Here’s a child friendly place for an afternoon out. Loads of things to do for the kids including watching the cool motorbikes!
At a glance-
- there are high chairs
- there is a baby change
- there’s a play ground
- there are acres and acres (literally) of room for toddlers to run and prams to roam
- child friendly staff
- no obvious catering to allergies/intolerances
If you’re looking for a child friendly place for an outing on the school holidays, or just feel like getting out of the ‘burbs for Sunday lunch, you’ll find a great place for the kids to run, to play and explore. All the while you can enjoy a meal and a glass of wine- perfect. You can have a pub meal or there is also a restaurant, and the menu can be found on the website.
Also on the website is a calendar of events, and if you go on the right day, there’ll be a reptile show, toad races and face painting. You can outsource parties to The Bearded Dragon, so if you fancy having a kid’s party with none of the clean up- give them a call, and they’ll send you the party options. Another great fact about The Bearded Dragon- NO POKIES! I didn’t think there were any places left without pokies.
You’ll have to go for a bit of a drive to get there, but you don’t have to pack an activity bag to keep the kids amused while you’re there- its all there waiting for the kid’s to discover. Sit back, order a beer, and let the kids run. You may find the drive home very quiet with the kids sleeping in the back….